Īśāvāsyopaniṣat 05
तदेजति तन्नेजति तद्दूरे तद्वन्तिके। तदन्तरस्य सर्वस्य तदु सर्वस्य बाह्यतः ॥५॥
tadejati tannejati taddūre tadvantike। tadantarasya sarvasya tadu sarvasya bāhyataḥ ॥5॥
[तत् (tat): That; एजति (ejati): Moves; तन्न (tan na): That does not; एजति (ejati): Move; तत् (tat): That; दूरे (dūre): Far away; तत् (tat): That; वन्तिके (vantike): Nearby or close; तत् (tat): That; अन्तरस्य (antarsya): Inside; सर्वस्य (sarvasya): Of everything; तत् (tat): That; उ (u): And; सर्वस्य (sarvasya): Of everything; बाह्यतः (bāhyataḥ): Outside or external;]
That moves yet moves not, that is faraway yet nearby, and that is inside of everything yet also outside of everything.
Īśā.Bhāshya 05
The principle 'that' refers to lord Hari is clarified by the 'tattvasaṁhitāyām' testimonial. The word 'tadejati' is used to mean that alone moves, which also implies others on their own are incapable of movement.
तदेजति तत एव एजत्यन्यत् तत् स्वयं नेजति।
tadejati tata eva ejatyanyat tat svayaṁ nejati।
[तत् (tat): That; एजति (ejati): Moves or goes; तत् (tat): That; एव (eva): Indeed or only; एजति (ejati): Moves or goes; अन्यत् (anyat): Another or different; तत् (tat): That; स्वयं (svayaṁ): Itself or personally; नेजति (nejati): Does not move;]
'tadejati' means that alone moves, and others on their own don't move.
ततो बिभेति सर्वोऽपि न बिभेति हरिः स्वयम्। सर्वगत्वात् स दूरे च बाह्येऽन्तश्च समीपगः॥
tato bibheti sarvo'pi na bibheti hariḥ svayam। sarvagatvāt sa dūre ca bāhye'ntaśca samīpagaḥ॥
[ ततः (tataḥ): Therefore or consequently; बिभेति (bibheti): Is afraid or fears; सर्व (sarva): All or everyone; अपि (api): Even or also; न (na): Not; बिभेति (bibheti): Is afraid or fears; हरिः (hariḥ): Hari (Lord Vishnu); स्वयम् (svayam): Himself or oneself; सर्वगत्वात् (sarvagatvāt): Due to being omnipresent; सः (saḥ): He; दूरे (dūre): Far away; च (ca): And; बाह्य (bāhya): External or outside; अन्तः (antaḥ): Inside or within; च (ca): And; समीपगः (samīpagaḥ): Nearby or close;]
"Everyone fears Him, but lord Hari himself fears none. He, being omnipresent, is far yet near, is outside yet inside."
इति तत्त्वसंहितायाम् ॥५॥
iti tattvasaṁhitāyām ॥5॥
[इति (iti): Thus or in this way; तत्त्वसंहितायाम् (tattvasaṁhitāyām): In the compilation of the principles;]
- thus stated in the testimonial 'tattvasaṁhitāyām', i.e. the compilation of the principles.