Īśāvāsyopaniṣat Bhāshya
Īśāvāsyopaniṣat 07
यस्मिन् सर्वाणि भूतानि आत्मैवाभूद् विजानतः। तत्र को मोहः कः शोकः एकत्वमनु पश्यतः ॥७॥
yasmin sarvāṇi bhūtāni ātmaivābhūd vijānataḥ। tatra ko mohaḥ kaḥ śokaḥ ekatvamanu paśyataḥ ॥7॥
[यस्मिन् (yasmin) - In whom; सर्वाणि (sarvāṇi) - all; भूतानि (bhūtāni) - beings; आत्मैव (ātmaiva) - in that essence alone; अभूद् (abhūd) - existed; विजानतः (vijānataḥ) - knows; तत्र (tatra) - there; को (ko) - what; मोहः (mohaḥ) - delusion; कः (kaḥ) - what; शोकः (śokaḥ) - grief; एकत्वम् (ekatvam) - that one principle/ one lord; अनु (anu) - after; पश्यतः (paśyataḥ) - seeing.]
He who understands the supreme lord, in whom all beings existed, in whom alone they take shelter, for such a person who perceives that one lord (principle) in all beings, where is delusion, where is grief?
Īśā.Bhāshya 07
He is the supreme lord, in whom all beings exist. The verse conveys the omnipresent attribute of the lord. A reference is given to Pippalāda vedic testimonial, where the concept is reiterated, providing the hermeneutical context.
यस्मिन् परमात्मनि सर्वभूतानि स परमात्मैव तत्र सर्वभूतेषु अभूत्। एवं सर्वभूतेषु एकत्वेन परमात्मानं विजानतः को मोहः।
yasmin paramātmani sarvabhūtāni sa paramātmaiva tatra sarvabhūteṣu abhūt। evaṁ sarvabhūteṣu ekatvena paramātmānaṁ vijānataḥ ko mohaḥ।
[यस्मिन् (yasmin) - In whom; परमात्मनि (paramātmani) - in the Supreme Soul; सर्वभूतानि (sarvabhūtāni) - all beings; स (sa) - He; परमात्मैव (paramātmaiva) - indeed the Supreme Soul; तत्र (tatra) - there; सर्वभूतेषु (sarvabhūteṣu) - in all beings; अभूत् (abhūt) - existed; एवं (evaṁ) - thus; सर्वभूतेषु (sarvabhūteṣu) - in all beings; एकत्वेन (ekatvena) - uniformly; परमात्मानं (paramātmānaṁ) - the Supreme Soul; विजानतः (vijānataḥ) - realizing; को (ko) - what; मोहः (mohaḥ) - delusion.]
In which supreme being exists all beings, he is the supreme lord. There, all beings existed even before. Thus, for one who knows that the supreme lord resides uniformly in all beings, where is delusion?
यस्मिन् सर्वाणि भूतानि स आत्मा सर्वभूतगः। एवं सर्वत्र यो विष्णुं पश्येत् तस्य विजानतः। को मोहः कोऽथवा शोकः स विष्णुं पर्यगाद्यतः॥
yasmin sarvāṇi bhūtāni sa ātmā sarvabhūtagaḥ। evaṁ sarvatra yo viṣṇuṁ paśyet tasya vijānataḥ। ko mohaḥ ko'thavā śokaḥ sa viṣṇuṁ paryagādyataḥ॥
[यस्मिन् (yasmin) - In whom; सर्वाणि (sarvāṇi) - all; भूतानि (bhūtāni) - beings; स (sa) - He; आत्मा (ātmā) - the Self; सर्वभूतगः (sarvabhūtagaḥ) - pervading all beings; एवं (evaṁ) - thus; सर्वत्र (sarvatra) - everywhere; यः (yaḥ) - who; विष्णुं (viṣṇuṁ) - Vishnu; पश्येत् (paśyet) - perceives; तस्य (tasya) - his; विजानतः (vijānataḥ) - knowing; को (ko) - what; मोहः (mohaḥ) - delusion; कः (kaḥ) - what; अथवा (athavā) - or; शोकः (śokaḥ) - grief; स (sa) - He; विष्णुं (viṣṇuṁ) - Vishnu; पर्यगाद्यतः (paryagādyataḥ) - attains.]
"In whom all beings exist, He is the 'atman' of all beings. Thus, whoever perceives Vishnu everywhere, really knows Him. What delusion or grief can there be for him? He attains Vishnu."
इति पिप्पलादशाखायाम्।
iti pippalādaśākhāyām।
[इति पिप्पलादशाखायाम् (iti pippalādaśākhāyām) - stated thus in the Pippalada branch of Vedas;]
- stated thus in the Pippalāda vedic testimonial.
पूर्वोक्तानुवादेन शोकमोहाभावोऽपि विजानतश्चात्रोच्यते। अभ्यासश्च सर्वगतत्वस्य तात्पर्यद्योतनार्थः ॥७॥
pūrvoktānuvādena śokamohābhāvo'pi vijānataścātrocyate। abhyāsaśca sarvagatatvasya tātparyadyotanārthaḥ ॥7॥
[पूर्वोक्तानुवादेन (pūrvoktānuvādena) - By the translation given earlier; शोकमोहाभावः (śokamohābhāvaḥ) - absence of grief and delusion; अपि (api) - also; विजानतः (vijānataḥ) - for the one who knows; च (ca) - and; अत्र (atra) - here; उच्यते (ucyate) - is said; अभ्यासः (abhyāsaḥ) - practice; च (ca) - and; सर्वगतत्वस्य (sarvagatatvasya) - of the omnipresence; तात्पर्यद्योतनार्थः (tātparyadyotanārthaḥ) - for the illumination of the intended meaning.]
As per the earlier explained translation, absence of grief and delusion indicates the correct understanding. By practicing (i.e. by perceiving the presence of the lord in all beings), the omnipresent attribute of the lord comes to light.


बहुचित्रजगद्बहुधाकरणात् परशक्तिरनन्तगुणः परमः ।
सुखरूपममुष्य पदं परमं स्मरतस्तु भविष्यति तत्सततम् ॥
"The one who has created this variegated vast universe with varied forms has infinite power and is of infinite auspicious qualities. He certainly bestows the highest state of bliss to those who meditate on his ever happy essence." -Dwādasha stōtra 4.3

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