Īśāvāsyopaniṣat 04
anejadekaṁ manaso javīyo nainaddevā āpnuvan pūrvamarṣat। taddhāvato'nyānatyeti tiṣṭhattasminnapo mātariśvā dadhāti ॥4॥
Though Unmoved, That-One moves swifter than the mind. Even gods have not attained Him having limited knowledge. Standing still, He runs and surpasses others. In Him, Wind god gives water offering.
Īśā.Bhāshya 04
In the Brahmananda Purana, there is a reference that elaborates on this verse, glorifying Lord Hari as 'tadekam', i.e. That One . The root 'r̥ṣa' in the word 'arṣat' indicates knowledge.
anejannirbhayatvāttadekaṁ prādhānyatastathā। samyag jñātumaśakyatvāt agamyaṁ tatsurairapi॥
"That-One alone is primarily superior, as He is without birth or fear. As it is impossible to comprehend Him properly, He is unattainable even by the gods.
svayaṁ tu sarvānagamat pūrvameva svabhāvataḥ। acintyaśaktitaścaiva sarvagatvācca tatparam॥
Indeed, that supereme perceives all things by Himself, beforehand, by His inherent nature, by His inconceivable power and omnipresence.
dravato'tyeti santiṣṭhat tasmin karmāṇyadhānmarut। mārutyeva yataḥ ceṣṭāsarvā tāṁ haraye'rpayet॥
Standing firm, He surpasses those that flow swiftly. In Him, the wind gods offer their deeds. Like wind gods, one should offer all the activities to lord Hari only."
iti brahmāṇḍe।
- thus states BrahmandaPurana;
r̥ṣa jñāne ॥4॥
The root 'r̥ṣa' (in the word 'arṣat') indicates knowledge.