Bhagavad Gīta Bhāshya and Tātparya
- by Sri Madhvāchārya
अभ्रमं भङ्गरहितं अजदं विमलं सदा। आनन्दतीर्थं अतुलं भजे तापत्रयापाहं॥
abhramaṁ bhaṅgarahitaṁ ajadaṁ vimalaṁ sadā। ānandatīrthaṁ atulaṁ bhajē tāpatrayāpāhaṁ॥
Worship of Anandatheertha, who is always flawless, unobstructed, ardent, and pure, removes all afflictions.
(Translated by Madhukrishna Sudhindra)

  • B.G 8.01, 02, 03
    kiṁ tadbrahma kimadhyātmaṁ kiṁ karma puruṣottama। adhibhūtaṁ ca kiṁ proktamadhidaivaṁ kimucyate ॥1॥
    What is that Brahman? What is the self (adhyātma)? What is action (karma), O Supreme Person, What is described as pertaining to the underlying principle of being (adhibhūta)? And what is referred to as the underlying principle of destiny or divinity (adhidaiva)?"
    adhiyajñaḥ kathaṁ ko'tra dehe'smin madhusūdana। prayāṇakāle ca kathaṁ jñeyo'si niyatātmabhiḥ ॥2॥
    O Madhusūdana, how is the principle of sacrifice (adhiyajña) present in this body, and where? And how are (You) to be known at the time of departure by those of a controlled mind?
    śrībhagavānuvāca, akṣaraṁ brahma paramaṁ svabhāvo'dhyātmamucyate। bhūtabhāvodbhavakaro visargaḥ karmasañjñitaḥ ॥3॥
    The Blessed Lord said: "The imperishable (akṣara) is the Supreme Brahman. One's essential nature (svabhāva) is called 'adhyātma', pertaining to self. The offering (visarga), which causes the origin of the existence of beings, is known as action (karma).
    Bhā.: 'paramam akṣaraṁ' - The Supreme Brahman, the ultimate imperishable. 'adhyātma' - that which pertains to the 'ātman'. 'svabhāva = sva + bhava'; sva - excludes the concept of the Lord (Īśvara); bhāva - is that which exists always in one way only, consistently. svabhāva - the innate nature of the living being, called one's own. bhūtabhavodbhavakaro - the special act of arising of the universe by the Lord that includes living beings (bhūta) and the insentient (bhāvā). 'visarga' - the special arising of the universe.
  • B.G 8.04
    adhibhūtaṁ kṣaro bhāvaḥ puruṣaścādhidaivatam। adhiyajño'hamevātra dehe dehabhr̥tāṁ vara ॥4॥
    The perishable state (kṣaraḥ bhāvaḥ) is called adhibhūta (that which pertains to the physical elements). The cosmic being (puruṣaḥ) is referred to as adhidaivata (the divine principle). I alone am adhiyajña (the principle of sacrifice) here in the body, O best of the embodied beings.
  • B.G 8.05
  • B.G 8.06
  • B.G 8.07
  • B.G 8.08
  • B.G 8.09
  • B.G 8.10
  • B.G 8.11


बहुचित्रजगद्बहुधाकरणात् परशक्तिरनन्तगुणः परमः ।
सुखरूपममुष्य पदं परमं स्मरतस्तु भविष्यति तत्सततम् ॥
"The one who has created this variegated vast universe with varied forms has infinite power and is of infinite auspicious qualities. He certainly bestows the highest state of bliss to those who meditate on his ever happy essence." -Dwādasha stōtra 4.3

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