Īśāvāsyopaniṣat 03
असुर्या नाम ते लोका अन्धेन तमसाऽवृताः। तान् ते प्रेत्याभिगच्छन्ति ये के चात्महनो जनाः ॥३॥
asuryā nāma te lokā andhena tamasā'vr̥tāḥ। tān te pretyābhigacchanti ye ke cātmahano janāḥ ॥3॥
[असुर्या (asuryā) - Asura-like; नाम (nāma) - named; ते (te) - those; लोकाः (lokāḥ) - worlds; अन्धेन (andhena) - by darkness; तमसाऽवृताः (tamasā'vṛtāḥ) - enveloped in ignorance; तान् (tān) - them; ते (te) - they; प्रेत्याभिगच्छन्ति (pretyābhigacchanti) - attain after death; ये (ye) - who; के च (ke ca) - some; आत्महनो (ātmahano) - killers of the self; जनाः (janāḥ) - people; ]
Those worlds named 'Asura', i.e. demoniacal, are enveloped in the darkness of ignorance. Those killers of the self (i.e. those who do not take authentic honest actions), attain them after death.
Īśā.Bhāshya 03
'Asurya' - having the nature to delight in that which is contrary to good. Also, it is opposite of 'sura', i.e. gods. Thus it means those who turn away from lord Hari.
सुष्ठु रमणविरुद्धत्वात् असुराणां प्राप्यत्वाच्च असुर्याः।
suṣṭhu ramaṇaviruddhatvāt asurāṇāṁ prāpyatvācca asuryāḥ।
[सुष्ठु (suṣṭhu) - by good; रमणविरुद्धत्वात् (ramaṇaviruddhatvāt) - contrary to delight; असुराणां (asurāṇām) - of the demons; प्राप्यत्वाच्च (prāpyatvācca) - having such a nature; असुर्याः (asuryāḥ) - is demomonical;]
Those who delight in that which is contrary to good are demons. Having such a nature is 'asuryā', i.e. demoniacal.
"न च रमन्त्यहो असदुपासनया आत्महन"
"na ca ramantyaho asadupāsanayā ātmahana"
[न (na) - not; च (ca) - and/even; रमन्ति (ramanti) - take pleasure; अहो (aho) - indeed; असदुपासनया (asadupāsanayā) - by worshipping the non-existent, promoters of nihilism; आत्महन् (ātmahan) - are killeds of self;]
"Indeed, they are not happy. They worship the non existent, promote nihilism, and are killers of the self."
[इति (iti) - thus; उक्तत्वात् (uktatvāt) - because it has been said;]
- because it is stated thus in the testimonial (Bhagavata Purana).
"महादुःखैकहेतुत्वात् प्राप्यत्वादसुरैस्तथा। असुर्या नाम ते लोका तान्यान्ति विमुखा हरौ॥"
"mahāduḥkhaikahetutvāt prāpyatvādasuraistathā। asuryā nāma te lokā tānyānti vimukhā harau॥"
["महा-दुःख-एक-हेतुत्वात् (mahā-duḥkha-eka-hetutvāt) - due to being the sole cause of great suffering; प्राप्यत्वात् (prāpyatvāt) - due to attainability; असुरैः (asuraiḥ) - by the demons; तथा (tathā) - thus; असुर्याः (asuryāḥ) - the demonic; नाम (nāma) - named; ते (te) - they; लोकाः (lokāḥ) - worlds; तानि (tāni) - those; आन्ति (ānti) - attain; विमुखाः (vimukhāḥ) - turn away; हरौ (harau) - from Hari (God Vishnu);"]
"The demons acquire them (the demoniacal worlds), as they are the sole cause of the intense suffering. Those worlds are called 'Asurya', i.e. opposed to 'sura' i.e. gods, as those who turn away from lord Hari attain them."
इति वामने।
iti vāmane।
[इति वामने। (iti vāmane) - Thus in the Vamana Purana.]
- thus stated in the Vāmana Purāna.
ये के चेति नियम उक्तः।
ye ke ceti niyama uktaḥ।
[ये (ye) - those; के (ke) - who; च (ca) - and/even; इति (iti) - thus; नियमः (niyamaḥ) - rule, regulation; उक्तः (uktaḥ) - spoken, said;]
By stating 'ye ke' , i.e. 'those who', the governing principle is conveyed (i.e. those opposed to the lord mandatorily attain darkness).
"नियमेन तमो यान्ति सर्वेऽपि विमुखा हरौ।"
"niyamena tamo yānti sarve'pi vimukhā harau।"
[नियमेन (niyamena) - by regulation; तमः (tamaḥ) - darkness; यान्ति (yānti) - go, attain; सर्वेऽपि (sarve api) - all, everyone; विमुखाः (vimukhāḥ) - turned away, averse; हरौ (harau) - towards Hari (Vishnu);]
"By the governing principle, all those turned away from Hari attain darkness."
इति च ॥३॥
iti ca ॥3॥
[इति (iti) - thus; च (ca) - and/even;]
- there are such testimonials as well.