Bhagavad Gīta Bhāshya and Tātparya
B.G 6.31
सर्वभूतस्थितं यो मां भजत्येकत्वमास्थितः। सर्वथा वर्तमानोऽपि स योगी मयि वर्तते ॥३१॥
sarvabhūtasthitaṁ yo māṁ bhajatyekatvamāsthitaḥ। sarvathā vartamāno'pi sa yogī mayi vartate ॥31॥
[सर्व भूत स्थितं यो मां भजति एकत्वम् आस्थितः। सर्वथा वर्तमानः अपि स योगी मयि वर्तते॥
सर्व भूत स्थितं (sarva bhūta sthitaṁ) - residing in all beings; यो (yo) - who; मां (māṁ) - me; भजति (bhajati) - worships; एकत्वम् (ekatvam) - unity; आस्थितः (āsthitaḥ) - established; सर्वथा (sarvathā) - in all ways; वर्तमानः (vartamānaḥ) - living; अपि (api) - even; स (sa) - he; योगी (yogī) - yogi; मयि (mayi) - in me; वर्तते (vartate) - dwells;]
Such a yogi who worships me, the lord residing in all beings equally and everywhere, abides in me alone, regardless of his way of life.
Gīta Bhāshya 6.31
'ekatvam āsthitaḥ' - that Lord alone is established everywhere. Such a devotee, understanding that the Lord alone is established everywhere, conducts in all modes of living with a direct vision, governed by the fruits of knowledge. Generally he does not do unrighteous acts. If he does act on the contrary, it indicates misery only.
एतदेव स्पष्टयति - सर्वभूतस्थितम् इति॥
etadeva spaṣṭayati - sarvabhūtasthitam iti॥
[एतदेव स्पष्टयति (etadeva spaṣṭayati) - the same point is clarified; सर्वभूतस्थितम् (sarvabhūtasthitam) - by the verse 'sarvabhūtasthitam', i.e. residing in all beings; इति (iti) - thus;]
Same point is clarified by the verse - 'sarvabhūtasthitam', i.e. residing in all beings.
एकत्वम् आस्थितः सर्वत्र एक एव ईश्वरः इति स्थितः। सर्वप्रकारेण वर्तमानोऽपि मय्येव वर्तते। एवम् अपरोक्षं पश्यतः ज्ञानफलं नियतम् इत्यर्थः। तथापि प्रायः नाधर्मं करोति। कुर्वतस्तु महच्चेत् दुःखसूचकं भवति इत्युक्तं पुरस्तात्। आह च -
ekatvam āsthitaḥ sarvatra eka eva īśvaraḥ iti sthitaḥ। sarvaprakāreṇa vartamāno'pi mayyeva vartate। evam aparokṣaṁ paśyataḥ jñānaphalaṁ niyatam ityarthaḥ। tathāpi prāyaḥ nādharmaṁ karoti। kurvatastu mahaccet duḥkhasūcakaṁ bhavati ityuktaṁ purastāt। āha ca -
[एकत्वम् आस्थितः (ekatvam āsthitaḥ) - 'ekatvam āsthitaḥ' means; सर्वत्र (sarvatra) - everywhere; एक एव (eka eva)- He alone; ईश्वरः (īśvaraḥ) - the Lord; इति (iti) - thus; स्थितः (sthitaḥ) - is established; सर्वप्रकारेण (sarvaprakāreṇa) - in every way; वर्तमानः (vartamānaḥ) - modes of living; अपि (api) - even; मयि (mayi) - in me; एव (eva) - alone; वर्तते (vartate) - dwells; एवम् (evam) - means; अपरोक्षं (aparokṣaṁ) - directly; पश्यतः (paśyataḥ) - seeing; ज्ञानफलं (jñānaphalaṁ) - fruit of knowledge; नियतम् (niyatam) - certain; इत्यर्थः (ityarthaḥ) - this means; तथापि (tathāpi) - yet; प्रायः (prāyaḥ) - generally; न (na) - not; अधर्मं (adharmaṁ) - unrighteousness; करोति (karoti) - does; कुर्वतः (kurvataḥ) - for the doer; तु (tu) - but; महच्चेत् (mahaccet) - if great; दुःखसूचकं (duḥkhasūcakaṁ) - causing sorrow; भवति (bhavati) - becomes; इति (iti) - thus; उक्तं (uktaṁ) - said; पुरस्तात् (purastāt) - earlier; आह (āha) - said; च (ca) - and;]
The phrase 'ekatvam āsthitaḥ' means that Lord alone is established everywhere. 'sarvathā vartamāno'pi mayi vartate', i.e. in all modes of living he conducts in Me alone, which means he has a direct vision governed by the fruits of knowledge. Generally he does not do unrighteous acts. If he does act in such a way, it is an indication of misery, as previously stated. Hence, it is said:
"कदाचिदपि नाधर्मे बुद्धिर्विष्णुदृशां भवेत्। प्रमादात्तु कृतं पापं स्वल्पं भस्मीभविष्यति। आदिराजैस्तथा देवैः ऋषिभिः क्रियते कियत्। बाहुल्यात् कर्मणस्तेषां दुःखसूचकमेव तत्॥"
"kadācidapi nādharme buddhirviṣṇudr̥śāṁ bhavet। pramādāttu kr̥taṁ pāpaṁ svalpaṁ bhasmībhaviṣyati। ādirājaistathā devaiḥ r̥ṣibhiḥ kriyate kiyat। bāhulyāt karmaṇasteṣāṁ duḥkhasūcakameva tat॥"
[कदाचिदपि (kadācidapi) - never; न (na) - not; अधर्मे (adharme) - in unrighteousness; बुद्धिः (buddhiḥ) - mind; विष्णुदृशां (viṣṇudr̥śāṁ) - of those who see Vishnu; भवेत् (bhavet) - becomes; प्रमादात् (pramādāt) - by mistake; तु (tu) - even; कृतं (kr̥taṁ) - done; पापं (pāpaṁ) - sin; स्वल्पं (svalpaṁ) - small; भस्मीभविष्यति (bhasmībhaviṣyati) - will be reduced to ashes; आदिराजैः (ādirājaiḥ) - by great kings; तथा (tathā) - and; देवैः (devaiḥ) - by gods; ऋषिभिः (r̥ṣibhiḥ) - by sages; क्रियते (kriyate) - is done; कियत् (kiyat) - what; बाहुल्यात् (bāhulyāt) - due to abundance; कर्मणः (karmaṇaḥ) - of actions; तेषां (teṣāṁ) - their; दुःखसूचकं (duḥkhasūcakaṁ) - causing sorrow; एव (eva) - indeed; तत् (tat) - that;]
"Never does the mind of those who see Vishnu become unrighteous. Even a small sin done by mistake will be reduced to ashes. The acts done by kings, gods, and sages, because of the intensity of their actions, is indicative of their misery only."
इति ॥३१॥
iti ॥31॥
[इति (iti) - thus; ]
- stated thus.


बहुचित्रजगद्बहुधाकरणात् परशक्तिरनन्तगुणः परमः ।
सुखरूपममुष्य पदं परमं स्मरतस्तु भविष्यति तत्सततम् ॥
"The one who has created this variegated vast universe with varied forms has infinite power and is of infinite auspicious qualities. He certainly bestows the highest state of bliss to those who meditate on his ever happy essence." -Dwādasha stōtra 4.3

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