B.G 7.03
मनुष्याणां सहस्रेषु कश्चिद् यतति सिद्धये। यततामपि सिद्धानां कश्चिन्मां वेत्ति तत्त्वतः ॥३॥
manuṣyāṇāṁ sahasreṣu kaścid yatati siddhaye। yatatāmapi siddhānāṁ kaścinmāṁ vetti tattvataḥ ॥3॥
[मनुष्याणां सहस्रेषु कश्चिद् यतति सिद्धये। यतताम् अपि सिद्धानां कश्चित् मां वेत्ति तत्त्वतः॥
मनुष्याणाम् (manuṣyāṇām) - among human beings; सहस्रेषु (sahasreṣu) - among thousands; कश्चित् (kaścit) - someone; यतति (yatati) - strives; सिद्धये (siddhaye) - for perfection; यतताम् (yatatām) - among those who strive; अपि (api) - even; सिद्धानाम् (siddhānām) - among the perfected; कश्चित् (kaścit) - someone; माम् (mām) - me; वेत्ति (vetti) - knows; तत्त्वतः (tattvataḥ) - in truth;]
Among thousands of men, one may strive for perfection; and even among those who strive, hardly one knows me in truth.
Gīta Tātparya 7.03
The devotees of Lord Narayana are rare to find, and there is gradation among them based on their knowledge.
"अनन्तानां तु जीवानां यतन्ते केचिदेव तु। मुक्त्यै तेषु च मुच्यन्ते केचिन्मुक्तेषु च स्फुटम्। केचनैव हरिं सम्यग् ब्रह्मरुद्रादयो विदुः। अन्येषां यावता मुक्तिः तावत् ज्ञानं हरौ परम्॥"
"anantānāṁ tu jīvānāṁ yatante kecideva tu। muktyai teṣu ca mucyante kecinmukteṣu ca sphuṭam। kecanaiva hariṁ samyag brahmarudrādayo viduḥ। anyeṣāṁ yāvatā muktiḥ tāvat jñānaṁ harau param॥"
[अनन्तानाम् (anantānām) - of the infinite; तु (tu) - but; जीवानाम् (jīvānām) - living beings; यतन्ते (yatante) - strive; केचित् (kecit) - some; एव (eva) - indeed; तु (tu) - but; मुक्त्यै (muktyai) - for liberation; तेषु (teṣu) - among them; च (ca) - and; मुच्यन्ते (mucyante) - are liberated; केचित् (kecit) - some; मुक्तेषु (mukteṣu) - among the liberated; च (ca) - and; स्फुटम् (sphuṭam) - clearly; केचन (kecana) - some; एव (eva) - indeed; हरिम् (harim) - Lord Hari; सम्यक् (samyak) - perfectly; ब्रह्मरुद्रादयः (brahma-rudrādayaḥ) - Brahma, Rudra, and others; विदुः (viduḥ) - know; अन्येषाम् (anyeṣām) - of others; यावता (yāvatā) - as much as; मुक्तिः (muktiḥ) - liberation; तावत् (tāvat) - as much as; ज्ञानम् (jñānam) - knowledge; हरौ (harau) - in Hari; परम् (param) - supreme;]
"Of the infinite living beings, only some strive for liberation; among them, only a few are liberated; and among the liberated, only a few wise clearly know Lord Hari perfectly, like Brahma, Rudra, and others. For others, liberation is as much as their knowledge of the supreme Lord Hari."
इति पाद्मे।
iti pādme।
[इति (iti) - thus; पाद्मे (pādme) - in the Padma Purana;]
-stated thus in the Padma Purana.
"मुक्तानामपि सिद्धानां नारायणपरायणः। सुदुर्लभः प्रशान्तात्मा कोटिष्वपि महामते॥"
"muktānāmapi siddhānāṁ nārāyaṇaparāyaṇaḥ। sudurlabhaḥ praśāntātmā koṭiṣvapi mahāmate॥"
[मुक्तानाम् (muktānām) - of those who are liberated; अपि (api) - even; सिद्धानाम् (siddhānām) - of those who are perfected; नारायणपरायणः (nārayana-parāyaṇaḥ) - devoted to Lord Narayana; सुदुर्लभः (sudurlabhaḥ) - very rare; प्रशान्तात्मा (praśānta-ātma) - one who has a tranquil mind; कोटिषु (koṭiṣu) - among millions; अपि (api) - even; महामते (mahāmate) - O great thinker;]
"O great thinker! Among the millions, One who liberated and perfected, who is devoted to Lord Narayana and has a tranquil mind, is very rare."
इति भागवते।
iti bhāgavate।
[इति (iti) - thus; भागवते (bhāgavate) - in the Bhagavata Purana;]
- stated thus, in the Bhagavata Purana.
"सर्वे मुक्ता हरौ भक्ताः तेषु ब्रह्मैव मुख्यतः। विष्णोः परमभक्तस्तु तस्मात् जीवघनो मतः॥"
"sarve muktā harau bhaktāḥ teṣu brahmaiva mukhyataḥ। viṣṇoḥ paramabhaktastu tasmāt jīvaghano mataḥ॥"
[सर्वे (sarve) - All; मुक्ताः (muktāḥ) - liberated; हरौ (harau) - in Hari; भक्ताः (bhaktāḥ) - devotees; तेषु (teṣu) - among them; ब्रह्म (brahma) - Brahma; एव (eva) - indeed; मुख्यतः (mukhyaḥ) - chiefly; विष्णोः (viṣṇoḥ) - of Vishnu; परमभक्तः (paramabhaktaḥ) - supreme devotee; तु (tu) - indeed; तस्मात् (tasmāt) - therefore; जीवघनः (jīva-ghanaḥ) - one who is the revered of all living beings; मतः (mataḥ) - is considered;]
"All those who are liberated are devotees of Hari; among them, Brahma is indeed the chief. Indeed, the supreme devotee of Vishnu is considered the most revered of all living beings."
इति सत्तत्त्वे ॥३॥
iti sattattve ॥3॥
[इति (iti) - thus; सत्तत्त्वे (sattattve) - in the 'sat-tatva' testimonial.]
-stated thus in the 'sat-tatva' testimonial.