Bhagavad Gīta Bhāshya and Tātparya
B.G 3.06 and 07
karmēṁdriyāṇi saṁyamya ya āstē manasā smaran। iṁdriyārthān vimūḍhātmā mithyācāraḥ sa ucyatē ॥6॥
yastviṁdriyāṇi manasā niyamyārabhatēSrjuna। karmēṁdriyaiḥ karmayōgamasaktaḥ sa viśiṣyatē ॥7॥
He, who restraining the organs of action keeps on contemplating the objects of senses in the mind, is entirely deluded and is rightly described as a hypocrite. But, O Arjuna, he who controlling the indriyas (i.e. organs of senses and organs of action) by the mind, employs the organs of action with detachment, is the special one.


बहुचित्रजगद्बहुधाकरणात् परशक्तिरनन्तगुणः परमः ।
सुखरूपममुष्य पदं परमं स्मरतस्तु भविष्यति तत्सततम् ॥
"The one who has created this variegated vast universe with varied forms has infinite power and is of infinite auspicious qualities. He certainly bestows the highest state of bliss to those who meditate on his ever happy essence." -Dwādasha stōtra 4.3

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