Bhagavad Gīta Bhāshya and Tātparya
B.G 5.07
योगयुक्तो विशुद्धात्मा विजितात्मा जितेंद्रियः। सर्वभूतात्मभूतात्मा कुर्वन्नपि न लिप्यते ॥७॥
Yōgayukto viśuddhātmā vijitātmā jiteṁdriyaḥ। sarvabhūtātmabhūtātmā kurvannapi na lipyate ॥7॥
[योगयुक्तो विशुद्धात्मा विजितात्मा जितेंद्रियः। सर्वभूत आत्म भूतात्मा कुर्वन्नपि न लिप्यते॥
Yōgayukto = engaged in Yoga; viśuddhātmā = pure being; vijitātmā = is also the specially victorious being; jiteṁdriyaḥ = who has conquered all the faculties; । sarvabhūta = all beings; ātma = the essence; bhūtātmā = essence of beings; kurvannapi= even while performing; na = not; lipyate = is affected by defects; ]
That pure being who is engaged in Yoga, is specially victorious having conquered all the faculties and has the understanding that 'the lord of all beings is also my lord'. Faults do not affect such a person, even if they engage in action.
Gīta Bhāshya 5.07
The Lord is the master of all beings. Such a lord is within me, and enables all the activities of mine. Such an understanding is 'sarvabhūtātma bhūtātmā'.
एतदेव प्रपञ्चयति - योगयुक्तः इति। सर्वभूतात्म भूतः परमेश्वरः। 'यच्चाप्नोति' इत्यादेः। स आत्मभूतः स्वसमीपं प्रति आदानादिकर्ता यस्य सः सर्वभूतात्म भूतात्मा ॥७॥
etadeva prapañcayati - Yōgayuktaḥ iti। sarvabhūtātma bhūtaḥ parameśvaraḥ। 'yaccāpnoti' ityādeḥ। sa ātmabhūtaḥ svasamīpaṁ prati ādānādikartā yasya saḥ sarvabhūtātma bhūtātmā ॥7॥
[एतदेव (etadeva) - This alone; प्रपञ्चयति (prapañcayati) - explains; योगयुक्तः (Yōgayuktaḥ) - one united with Yōga; इति (iti) - thus; सर्वभूतात्म (sarvabhūtātma) - the soul of all beings; भूतः (bhūtaḥ) - having become; परमेश्वरः (parameśvaraḥ) - the Supreme Lord; यच्च (yacca) - whatever; आप्नोति (āpnoti) - achieves; स (sa) - that; आत्मभूतः (ātmabhūtaḥ) - being the soul; स्वसमीपं (svasamīpaṁ) - near oneself; प्रति (prati) - towards; आदानादिकर्ता (ādānādikartā) - the giver of taking and other actions; यस्य (yasya) - whose; सः (saḥ) - that; सर्वभूतात्म (sarvabhūtātma) - the soul of all beings; भूतात्मा (bhūtātmā) - the soul of all beings;]
The verse 'Yōgayuktaḥ', i.e. one engaged in Yōga, explains the state of the person engaged in Yōga. The Supreme Lord, Parameshwara, is the becoming and essence of all beings. It is explained by verses such as 'yaccāpnoti' (Linga puranam 1.70.96), i.e. 'whatever one achieves'. He is the essence of beings; He is the one who is near oneself; one who enables all the activities of the beings. Such an understanding is "sarvabhūtātma bhūtātmā", i.e. "the essence of all beings and that of individual being as well".
"यच्चाप्नोति यदादत्ते यच्चात्ति विषयानिह । यच्चास्य सन्ततो भावयस्तस्मादात्मेति कीर्त्यते॥" - Linga puranam 1.70.96
"Whatever one achieves, receives, and eats, as well as whatever objects one regularly thinks of, of Him, therefore, the Ātman is celebrated as such."
Gīta Tātparya 5.07
'sarvabhūtātmabhūtātmā' means 'The essence of all beings is also the essence of individual being'. Such an attitude is the primary foundation of Yōga.
सर्वभूतात्म भूतात्मेति मुख्ययोगः।
sarvabhūtātma bhūtātmeti mukhyaYōgaḥ।
[सर्वभूतात्म (sarvabhūtātma): सर्व (sarva) - all, every; भूत (bhūta) - being, entity, creature; आत्म (ātma) - self, soul, essence; Overall Translation: The essence or soul of all beings; भूतात्म (bhūtātma): भूत (bhūta) - being, entity, creature; आत्म (ātma) - self, soul, essence; Overall Translation: The essence or soul of beings; इति (iti) - thus, in this way; मुख्ययोगः (mukhyaYōgaḥ): मुख्य (mukhya) - main, primary, principal; योग (Yōga) - union, connection, integration; Overall Translation: The primary connection or union;]
"The essence of all beings is also the essence of individual being" - such an attitude is the primary foundation of Yōga.
"आदानात् सर्वभूतानां विष्णुरात्मा प्रकीर्तितः। सर्वभूतात्मभूतात्मा तत्र भूतमनाः पुमान्॥"
"ādānāt sarvabhūtānāṁ viṣṇurātmā prakīrtitaḥ। sarvabhūtātmabhūtātmā tatra bhūtamanāḥ pumān॥"
[आदानात् (ādānāt): आदान (ādāna) - taking, receiving, seizing; Overall Translation: From the act of receiving or taking; सर्वभूतानां (sarvabhūtānām): सर्व (sarva) - all, every; भूत (bhūta) - being, entity, creature; आना्म् (ānām) - of, belonging to; Overall Translation: Of all beings; विष्णुः (viṣṇuḥ) - Vishnu, a deity in Hinduism, often associated with preservation and sustenance; आत्मा (ātmā): आत्मन् (ātman) - self, soul, essence; Overall Translation: Self, soul, essence; प्रकीर्तितः (prakīrtitaḥ): प्रकीर्ति (prakīrti) - praise, eulogy, recognition; Overall Translation: Praised, recognized; सर्वभूतात्मभूतात्मा (sarvabhūtātmabhūtātmā): सर्वभूतात्म (sarvabhūtātma) - the essence or soul of all beings; भूतात्मा (bhūtātmā) - the essence or soul of beings; Overall Translation: The essence or soul of all beings is the essence or soul of beings; तत्र (tatra) - there, in that context; भूतमनाः (bhūtamanāḥ): भूत (bhūta) - being, entity, creature; मनस् (manas) - mind; Overall Translation: The mind of beings; पुमान् (pumān) - man, person, individual;]
The lord Vishnu is famous as one who seizes all beings. The accomplished who has the mind in such a being is 'sarvabhūtātmabhūtātmā' i.e. one who thinks 'the Lord of all is also his Lord.
इति च (अग्नि पुराण) ॥७॥
iti ca (agni purāṇa) ॥7॥
[iti ca = stated thus;]
- stated thus (in Agni Purana).


बहुचित्रजगद्बहुधाकरणात् परशक्तिरनन्तगुणः परमः ।
सुखरूपममुष्य पदं परमं स्मरतस्तु भविष्यति तत्सततम् ॥
"The one who has created this variegated vast universe with varied forms has infinite power and is of infinite auspicious qualities. He certainly bestows the highest state of bliss to those who meditate on his ever happy essence." -Dwādasha stōtra 4.3

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