B.G 7.27
इच्छाद्वेषसमुत्थेन द्वन्द्वमोहेन भारत। सर्वभूतानि संमोहं सर्गे यान्ति परन्तप ॥२७॥
icchādveṣasamutthena dvandvamohena bhārata। sarvabhūtāni saṁmohaṁ sarge yānti parantapa ॥27॥
[इच्छा द्वेष समुत्थेन द्वन्द्व मोहेन भारत। सर्व भूतानि संमोहं सर्गे यान्ति परन्तप॥
इच्छा (icchā) - desire; द्वेष (dveṣa) - aversion; समुत्थेन (samutthena) - arisen from; द्वन्द्व (dvandva) - duality; मोहेन (mohena) - by delusion; भारत (bhārata) - O descendant of Bharata (Arjuna); सर्व (sarva) - all; भूतानि (bhūtāni) - beings; संमोहं (saṁmoham) - complete delusion; सर्गे (sarge) - at the time of creation; यान्ति (yānti) - go into; परन्तप (parantapa) - O chastiser of foes (Arjuna);]
O Bharata, Arise from desire and aversion caused by the delusion of duality. O chastiser of foes, all beings are subject to intense delusion from the time of creation.
Gīta Bhāshya 7.27
'dvandva-moha' - delusion of experienced topics and objects caused by pleasure and pain; 'sarge' - time from the beginning of creation; Along with the corporeal body comes the desire and other defects. However, previously there was only ignorance.
द्वन्द्वमोहेन सुखदुःखादिविषयमोहेन। इच्छाद्वेषयोः प्रवृद्धयोः न हि किञ्चित् ज्ञातुं शक्यम्। कारणान्तरम् एतत्। सर्गे सर्गकालं आरभ्यैव। शरीरे हि सति इच्छादयः। पूर्वं तु अज्ञानमात्रम् ॥२७॥
dvandvamohena sukhaduḥkhādiviṣayamohena। icchādveṣayoḥ pravr̥ddhayoḥ na hi kiñcit jñātuṁ śakyam। kāraṇāntaram etat। sarge sargakālaṁ ārabhyaiva। śarīre hi sati icchādayaḥ। pūrvaṁ tu ajñānamātram ॥27॥
[द्वन्द्व (dvandva) - duality; मोहेन (mohena) - by delusion; सुख (sukha) - pleasure; दुःख (duḥkha) - pain; आदि (ādi) - and so on; विषय (viṣaya) - objects (of experience) and topics; मोहेन (mohena) - by delusion; इच्छा (icchā) - desire; द्वेषयोः (dveṣayoḥ) - and aversion; प्रवृद्धयोः (pravṛddhayoḥ) - when they are intensified; न (na) - not; हि (hi) - indeed; किञ्चित् (kiñcit) - anything; ज्ञातुं (jñātuṁ) - to know; शक्यम् (śakyam) - is possible; कारण (kāraṇa) - cause; अन्तरम् (antaram) - other; एतत् (etat) - this; सर्गे (sarge) - The word 'sarge' refers to; सर्ग-कालम् (sarga-kālam) - creation time; आरभ्य (ārabhya) - beginning from; शरीरे (śarīre) - from the body; हि (hi) - indeed; सति (sati) - along with; इच्छा-आदयः (icchā-ādayaḥ) - desires, etc.; पूर्वम् (pūrvam) - earlier; तु (tu) - but; अज्ञान-मात्रम् (ajñāna-mātram) - mere ignorance;]
The word 'dvandva-moha' i.e. delusion caused by duality, refers to the delusion of experienced topics and objects caused by pleasure and pain. Because of tendencies driven by desire and aversion, it becomes impossible to know anything. This is another cause. The word 'sarge' refers to the time from the beginning of creation. Along with the corporeal body comes the desire and other defects. Previously, however, there was only ignorance.