Bhagavad Gīta Bhāshya and Tātparya
B.G 7.12
ये चैव सात्त्विका भावा राजसास्तामसाश्च ये। मत्त एवेति तान् विद्धि न त्वहं तेषु ते मयि ॥१२॥
ye caiva sāttvikā bhāvā rājasāstāmasāśca ye। matta eveti tān viddhi na tvahaṁ teṣu te mayi ॥12॥
Know that all dispositions, whether they are of the nature of goodness, passion, or ignorance, arise from Me alone. However, I am not in them, but they are in Me.
Gīta Tātparya 7.12
The testimonial carries on with elaborating the current verse of the Gita.
Those dispositions of goodness, passion, and ignorance indeed arise from Him and not from another. This world is dependent on Him, but He is not dependent on another...


बहुचित्रजगद्बहुधाकरणात् परशक्तिरनन्तगुणः परमः ।
सुखरूपममुष्य पदं परमं स्मरतस्तु भविष्यति तत्सततम् ॥
"The one who has created this variegated vast universe with varied forms has infinite power and is of infinite auspicious qualities. He certainly bestows the highest state of bliss to those who meditate on his ever happy essence." -Dwādasha stōtra 4.3

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