B.G 6.02
यं संन्यासमिति प्राहुर्योगं तं विद्धि पाण्डव। न ह्यसंन्यस्तसङ्कल्पो योगी भवति कश्चन ॥२॥
yaṁ saṁnyāsamiti prāhuryogaṁ taṁ viddhi pāṇḍava। na hyasaṁnyastasaṅkalpo yogī bhavati kaścana ॥2॥
[यं संन्यासम् इति प्राहुः योगं तं विद्धि पाण्डव। न हि असंन्यस्त सङ्कल्पः योगी भवति कश्चन॥
यं (yaṁ) - That which; संन्यासम् (saṁnyāsam) - renunciation; इति (iti) - thus; प्राहुः (prāhuḥ) - they say; योगं (yogaṁ) - yoga; तं (taṁ) - that; विद्धि (viddhi) - know; पाण्डव (pāṇḍava) - O Arjuna; न (na) - not; हि (hi) - indeed; असंन्यस्त (asaṁnyasta) - unrenounced; सङ्कल्पः (saṅkalpaḥ) - wordly intentions; योगी (yogī) - yogi; भवति (bhavati) - becomes; कश्चन (kaścana) - anyone.]
O Arjuna, know that which they call renunciation as Yōga. For sure, no one becomes a Yōgi who has not renounced worldly intentions.
Gīta Bhāshya 6.02
Indeed, even renunciation is part of Yōga. Renunciation of pleasure seeking intention is the solution to be practiced.
संन्यासोऽपि योगान्तर्भूतः इत्याह - यं संन्यासमिति। कामसङ्कल्पाद्यपरित्यागे कथम् उपायवान् स्यात् इत्याशयः ॥२॥
saṁnyāso'pi yogāntarbhūtaḥ ityāha - yaṁ saṁnyāsamiti। kāmasaṅkalpādyaparityāge katham upāyavān syāt ityāśayaḥ ॥2॥
[संन्यासोऽपि (saṁnyāso'pi) - Even renunciation; योगान्तर्भूतः (yogāntarbhūtaḥ) - is indeed a part of yoga; इत्याह (ityāha) - thus it is said; यं (yaṁ) - which; संन्यासमिति (saṁnyāsamiti) - as renunciation; कामसङ्कल्पाद्यपरित्यागे (kāmasaṅkalpādyaparityāge) - in the renunciation of pleasure seeking intentions, etc.; कथम् (katham) - how; उपायवान् (upāyavān) - effective; स्यात् (syāt) - could be; इत्याशयः (ityāśayaḥ) - is the intended meaning;]
'Indeed, even renunciation is part of Yōga' - is explained by the verse 'yaṁ saṁnyāsam', i.e. 'which renunciation' . How 'renunciation of pleasure seeking intentions' becomes the solution is conveyed.
Gīta Tātparya 6.02
The renunciation is indeed a special aspect of Yōga.
योगविशेष एव संन्यास इत्यर्थः ॥२॥
yogaviśeṣa eva saṁnyāsa ityarthaḥ ॥2॥
[योगविशेष (yogaviśeṣa) - the particular aspect of yoga; एव (eva) - indeed; संन्यास (saṁnyāsa) - renunciation; इति (iti) - thus; अर्थः (arthaḥ) - meaning;]
The renunciation is indeed a special aspect of Yōga.