B.G 4.10
वीतरागभयक्रोधा मन्मया मामुपाश्रिताः। बहवो ज्ञानतपसा पूता मद्भावमागताः ॥१०॥
Taking shelter in Me, thinking Me always in their mind, becoming free of passion, fear, and anger, having purified by the penance of knowledge, many have come back to the state of consciousness of being in Me.
Gīta Bhāshya 4.10
'manmayā' - those who perceive nothing else but Me in all places.
सन्ति च तथा मुक्ता इत्याह – वीतरागेति। मन्मयाः मत्प्रचुराः। सर्वत्र मां विना न किञ्चित् पश्यन्तीत्यर्थः ॥१०॥
The 'vītarāga' verse conveys - there already exist those who have got liberated in this manner. The word 'manmayā' means those whoes mind is abounding in Me. They perceive nothing else but Me in all places is the meaning.
Gīta Tātparya 4.10
'mayaṁ' - having Me as primary goal. 'madbhāva' - experiencing the state of being in Me. Those who have the special knowledge of Me as the Lord gets liberated.
"मयं प्रधानमुद्दिष्टं प्राधान्यं यैर्हरेर्मतम्। भगवन्मयास्ते विज्ञेयाः ते मुच्यन्ते न चापरे॥"
इति च।
"The word 'mayaṁ' means having Me as the primary goal. Those who give primary importance to lord Hari's wishes should be known as possessed with the lord in their heart. They get liberated, not others."
-stated thus as well (in Brahma Vaivarta Purana)
मयि भावो मद्भावः ॥१०॥
The word 'madbhāva' means experiencing the state of being in Me.