B.G 2.53
श्रुतिविप्रतिपन्ना ते यदा स्थास्यति निश्चला। समाधावचला बुद्धिस्तदा योगमवाप्स्यसि ॥२-५३॥
śrutivipratipannā tē yadā sthāsyati niścalā। samādhāvacalā buddhistadā yōgamavāpsyasi ॥2-53॥
[ श्रुति विप्रतिपन्ना ते यदा स्थास्यति निश्चला। समाधौ अचला बुद्धिः तदा योगम् अवाप्स्यसि ॥
śruti vipratipannā = special knowledge of Vēdas; tē = your; yadā = when; sthāsyati = gets stationed; niścalā = without movement; samādhau = in equanimity; acalā = steady; buddhiḥ = intellect; tadā = then; yōgam = Yōga; avāpsyasi = you will attain;]
When your intellect gets stationed in the special knowledge of Vēdas without waver, then having a steady-equanimous-state, you will attain Yōga.
Gīta Bhāshya 2.53
When the intellect grasps the certain knowledge of Vēdas decisively, the mind becomes unwavering and attains Yōga.
तदेव स्पष्टयति - श्रुतिविप्रतिपन्नेति।
tadēva spaṣṭayati - śrutivipratipannēti।
[tadēva = same is; spaṣṭayati = clarified; śrutivipratipannēti = in 'śrutivipratipannā' verse;]
Same (right understanding of Vēdas) is clarified futher in 'śrutivipratipannā' verse.
पूर्वं श्रुतिभिः वेदैः विप्रतिपन्ना विरुद्धा सती यदा वेदार्थानुकूलेन तत्त्वनिश्चयेन विपरीतवाग्भिरपि निश्चला भवति, ततश्च समाधौ अचला, ब्रह्मप्रत्यक्षदर्शनेन भेरीताडनादावपि परमानन्दमग्नत्वात्, तदा योगं अवाप्स्यसि उपायसिद्धो भवसीत्यर्थः ॥५३॥
pūrvaṁ śrutibhiḥ vēdaiḥ vipratipannā viruddhā satī yadā vēdārthānukūlēna tattvaniścayēna viparītavāgbhirapi niścalā bhavati, tataśca samādhau acalā, brahmapratyakṣadarśanēna bhērītāḍanādāvapi paramānandamagnatvāt, tadā yōgaṁ avāpsyasi upāyasiddhō bhavasītyarthaḥ ॥53॥
[pūrvaṁ = previously; śrutibhiḥ = 'shritu' means; vēdaiḥ = i.e. Vedas; vipratipannā = 'vipratipannā' means; viruddhā satī = opposed to; yadā =when; vēdārthānukūlēna = in line with the Vedas; tattvaniścayēna = from its decisive knowledge on the principles; viparītavāgbhirapi = even from contradictory appearing statements; niścalā bhavati = he becomes unwavering; tataśca = from that; samādhau = obtained equanimity; acalā = is without wavering; brahmapratyakṣadarśanēna = by direct perception of the lord, Brahman; bhērītāḍanādāvapi = even by the beating of the drum; paramānandamagnatvāt = is immersed in supreme bliss, tadā yōgaṁ avāpsyasi = then you will attain yoga; upāyasiddhō = the practice/solution is perfected; bhavasītyarthaḥ = becomes, is the meaning;]
'shruti' means Vedas. 'vipratipannā' means opposed to. When the knowledge that was previously opposed to Vedas comes to decisive understanding of its principles in line with the Vedas, in spite of statements that appear contradictory, then it becomes unwavering. From such wisdom, he obtains an equanimous state (smādhi) and becomes steady. In such a state, he is unaffected even by the beating of the drum as he is immersed in supreme bliss by direct perception of the Brahman. When such a practice is perfected, you will attain Yōga - is the meaning.
Gīta Tātparya 2.53
'śrutivipratipannā' - is a special grasp of Vēdic knowledge. From such knowledge, one gets an unwavering mind, and attains Yōga
"बुदि्धमोहो यदा न स्यात् अन्यथाज्ञानलक्षणः। श्रोतव्यश्रुतसाफल्यं तदा प्राप्नोति मानवः॥ श्रुतिमार्गं प्रपन्ना तु तदर्थज्ञाननिश्चला। समाधानेन तु पुनरापरोक्ष्याच्च निश्चला। विष्णौ प्राप्स्यति तद्योगं मुक्तो भूत्वा तदश्नुते॥"
"budidhamōhō yadā na syāt anyathājñānalakṣaṇaḥ। śrōtavyaśrutasāphalyaṁ tadā prāpnōti mānavaḥ॥ śrutimārgaṁ prapannā tu tadarthajñānaniścalā। samādhānēna tu punarāparōkṣyācca niścalā। viṣṇau prāpsyati tadyōgaṁ muktō bhūtvā tadaśnutē॥"
[budidhamōhō = delution of intelligence; yadā = when; na syāt = there is no; anyathājñānalakṣaṇaḥ = it is otherwise characterized by ignorance; śrōtavyaśrutasāphalyaṁ = results of the herd Vedas; tadā prāpnōti = then obtains; mānavaḥ = the man; śrutimārgaṁ = by taking the path of hearing Vedas; prapannā = in its refuge; tu tadarthajñānaniścalā = obtains certain knowledge; samādhānēna = by having equanimity;tu punarāparōkṣyācca = again, gets transcendental; niścalā = stationed without movement; viṣṇau prāpsyati = obtains lord Vishnu; tadyōgaṁ = from the Yōga; muktō bhūtvā = he becomes liberated; tadaśnutē = and experiences joy;]
"Delusion of intelligence is characterized by ignorance. The man, by taking refuge in the path of hearing Vēdas, obtains certain knowledge. From it having equanimity, again he grasps the unwavering transcendental. From practice of such a Yōga he obtains lord Vishnu, becomes liberated, and experiences joy."
इति पैङ्गिश्रुतौ।
iti paiṅgiśrutau।
[iti = states; paiṅgiśrutau = Paingi testimonial;]
- states Paingi testimonial.
श्रुतौ विशेषेण प्रतिपन्ना ॥५२,५३॥
śrutau viśēṣēṇa pratipannā ॥52,53॥
[śrutau viśēṣēṇa pratipannā = ('śrutivipratipannā') indicates a special study of Vēdas;]
'śrutivipratipannā' - indicates a special study of the Vēdas.