Bhagavad Gīta Bhāshya and Tātparya
B.G 2.29
आश्चर्यवत् पश्यति कश्चिदेनम् आश्चर्यवद् वदति तथैव चान्यः। आश्चर्यवच्चैनमन्यः श‍ृणोति श्रुत्वाप्येनं वेद न चैव कश्चित् ॥२-२९॥
āścaryavat paśyati kaścidenam āścaryavad vadati tathaiva cānyaḥ। āścaryavaccainamanyaḥ śa‍r̥ṇoti śrutvāpyenaṁ veda na caiva kaścit ॥2-29॥
Some one sees him as a marvel, someone speaks of him as a marvel, others hear him as a marvel. Yet even after such a hearing, no one knows him at all.
Gīta Bhāshya 2.29
The Lord, who is hard to comprehend, is seen as a marvel in the world.
Union and separation of the body is unavoidable. The 'ātman' is of the essence similar to Lord, without destruction ever. Hence, no need to lament. To summarize and conclude thus, power of the lord is again presented in the verse 'āścaryavat'. The word 'āścaryavat' is used to show that which is rare is considered as a marvel in the world. It is rare to come across someone who comprehends the essence of the Lord, comprehends his subtlety, and perceives him in the 'ātman'.


बहुचित्रजगद्बहुधाकरणात् परशक्तिरनन्तगुणः परमः ।
सुखरूपममुष्य पदं परमं स्मरतस्तु भविष्यति तत्सततम् ॥
"The one who has created this variegated vast universe with varied forms has infinite power and is of infinite auspicious qualities. He certainly bestows the highest state of bliss to those who meditate on his ever happy essence." -Dwādasha stōtra 4.3

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