Tantra Sāra 1.007
द्ऋॄघलृशौ लॄजिरैकत्मैर ओजोभृदौरसः। अन्तोर्धगर्भः कपलिः खपतिर्गरुडासनः ॥७॥
dr̥r̥̄ghalr̥śau lr̥̄jiraikatmaira ōjōbhr̥daurasaḥ। antōrdhagarbhaḥ kapaliḥ khapatirgaruḍāsanaḥ ॥7॥
[dr̥r̥̄ghalr̥śau = Rughaha, Lrushah; lr̥̄jiraikatmaira = Lrujihi, Ēkātmā, Airaha; ōjōbhr̥daurasaḥ = Ōjabhrut, Aurasaha; antōrdhagarbhaḥ = Antaha, Ardhagarbhaha; kapaliḥ = Kapilaha; khapatirgaruḍāsanaḥ = Khapatihi, Garudasanaha;]
r̥̄ - for Rughaha, lr̥ - for Lrushah, lru for Lrujihi, ē - for Ēkātmā, ai - for Airaha, ō - for Ōjabhrut, au - for Aurasaha, aṁ - for Antaha, aḥ - for Ardhagarbhaha, ka - for Kapilaha, kha - for Khapatihi, and ga - for Garudasanaha.
Rughaha = one who destroys the wicked; Lrushah = protector of the good; Lrujihi = One who overpowers the demons; Ēkātmā = the primary essence; Airaha = one who has overcome destruction; Ōjabhrut = one who is full of abilities; Aurasaha = one who has the creator of the universe as son; Antaha = the destroyer;Ardhagarbhaha = One who has creator and others in his womb; Kapilaha = One who is giver of bliss, protector, and the destroyer; Khapatihi = one who is the owner of organs of senses and action; Garudasanaha = one who sits on Garuda, the special eagle;
A pictorial representation of how everything is derived from the Pranava, 'Om':