Sa.Sm 13
भुक्तशेषं भगवतो भृत्यातिथिपुरस्सरः। भुञ्जीत हृद्गतं विष्णुं स्मरंस्तद्गतमानसः। आचम्य मूलमन्त्रेण कोष्ठं स्वमभिमन्त्रयेत् ॥१३॥
Give the offered food to guests. Then, eat food thinking of satisfied lord Vishnu. Conclude eating the food by doing 'āchamana' and chanting the eight-letter mantra.
Remeber the lord with following verse:
एको विष्णुर्महद्भूतम् प्रथग्भूतान्यनेकशः। त्रीन् लोकान् व्याप्य भूतात्म भुङ्क्ते विश्वभुगव्ययः॥
One lord Vishnu, the great being, eats the individual beings, in multiyude. This lord, the soul of beings, pervades the three worlds, and is the imperishable enjoyer of the universe!
With following Gayatri Vyahriti, sprinkle water on the food:
॥ ॐ भूर्भुवःस्वः ॥
Then pray to food chanting following mantra:
ॐ स्वादो पितो मधो पितो वयं त्वा ववृमहे। अस्माकमविता भव ॥
Oh! sweetness my father, Oh honey, my father, We seek your protection. Become our protector!
Sprinkle water around the food chanting the following mantra:
ॐ सत्यंतर्थेन परिषिञ्चयामि।
Om! to realise truth, I imbue.
Then chanting following mantras, offer food to the respective entities by placing food to your right side.
चित्राय स्वाहा। चित्रगुप्ताय स्वाहा। यमाय स्वाहा। यमधर्मराजाय स्वाहा। सर्वभुउतेभ्यः स्वाहा।
Offering to Chitra, a celestial being associated with creativity or artistic skills. Offering to Chitragupta, the celestial scribe who keeps records of human actions. Offering to Yama, the god of death. Offering to Yama Dharmaraja, another name for Yama, emphasizing his role as the ruler of dharma. Offering to all beings, expressing reverence and acknowledgment of the interconnectedness of all life.
Pour waterinto your right hand chanting the following mantra:
अन्तश्चरति भूतेषु गुहायां सर्वतोमुखः। त्वं यज्ञस्त्वं वषट्कारस्त्वं विष्णुः पुरुषः परः॥
That lord Vishnu, the supreme being, moven within every living being secretly, and is the face of all. He is situated in the Yajna, the sacrifice, and the sacred syllable 'Vashatkara'.