B.G 7.06
एतद्योनीनि भूतानि सर्वाणीत्युपधारय। अहं कृत्स्नस्य जगतः प्रभवः प्रलयस्तथा ॥६॥
Understand this entire Prakrti to be the womb of all creatures. But I am the cause of its origin and likewise its dissolution.
Gīta Tātparya 7.06
Sentient prakrti is Lakshmi, while insentient Prakrti is made up of three qualities (sattva, rajas, tamas). Propelled by the power of lord Vishnu, she alone is considered the material cause of the universe.
"अचेतना चेतनेति द्विविधा प्रकृतिर्मता। त्रिगुणाऽचेतना तत्र चेतना श्रीर्हरिप्रिया॥ ते उभे विष्णुवशगे जगतः कारणे मते। पिता विष्णुः स जगतो माता श्रीर्या त्वचेतना। उपादानं तु जगतः सैव विष्णुबलेरिता॥"
"Nature (Prakriti) is considered to be of two types: insentient (acetana) and sentient (cetanā). The insentient is of three qualities (sattva, rajas, tamas), while the sentient is Lakshmi, beloved of Hari (Vishnu). Both these aspects are under the control of Vishnu and are considered the cause of the universe. Vishnu is the father of the world, and Lakshmi, representing the insentient, is its mother. She alone, propelled by the power of Vishnu, is considered the material cause of the universe."
इति ॥४-६॥
- stated thus in the testimonial (tatva sangraha, i.e. collection of real principles).