Bhagavad Gīta Bhāshya and Tātparya
B.G 3.42 and 43
इंद्रियाणि पराण्याहुरिंद्रियेभ्यः परं मनः। मनसस्तु परा बुद्धिर्यो बुद्धेः परतस्तु सः ॥४२॥
iṁdriyāṇi parāṇyāhuriṁdriyēbhyaḥ paraṁ manaḥ। manasastu parā buddhiryō buddhēḥ paratastu saḥ ॥42॥
It is declared, the mind is higher than senses among the faculties, higher than mind is the intellect. That which is higher than intellect is, but He (the lord).
एवं बुद्धेः परं बुद्ध्वा संस्तभ्यात्मानमात्मना। जहि शत्रुं महाबाहो कामरूपं दुरासदम् ॥४३॥
ēvaṁ buddhēḥ paraṁ buddhvā saṁstabhyātmānamātmanā। jahi śatruṁ mahābāhō kāmarūpaṁ durāsadam ॥43॥
O mighty armed, in this way, having realized that which is higher than intellect, having restrained the mind with the help of intellect, conquer the enemy in the form of desire, which is difficult to restrain.
Gīta Tātparya 3.42 and 43
Indeed, gods governing various principles are far superior. Positions are assigned to indicate their order of superirority. All entities, including the unmanifest is ultimately governed by lord Vishnu only. When multiple meanings are conveyed by single word, the determination of its meaning is possible based on the context, and only by the widely read.
"Indra and others who govern the senses are superior among the gods. However, compared to them, lord Rudra is superior who governs the mind. Compared to him goddess Sarasvati governing the intellect, thereafter comes lord Brahma, who governs the 'mahat', i.e. ego principle. Compared to them, goddess Lakshmi is known to be superior, governing the unmanifest Prakrti. Then comes excellent lord Hari Himself. Indeed, it is emphasized that one must understand none to be greater or equal to Him. Understanding the governing principles in this order, one should destroy the enemies like desire and others. By doing so, one reaches the supreme position with lord Vishnu, unrivaled with purity."
- stated thus, and
These are not opposed to statements like - "Senses are above the sensual topics," and "Rudra having the form of Ego (ahankāra)".
"All the gods governing various principles, indeed, all of them are far superior. The positions are assigned individually to show the order of superiority. This is the only intent of the scriptures, and not to show them as inferior or superior. Father is engaged as well wherever the son is attending directly. All entities, including the unmanifest is ultimately governed by Him."
- stated thus, as well.
"Wherever it is of the son, it is of that father. Where it is of the father, it is that of the son. Thus it is spoken."
- there are such Vedic testimonials as well.
"When words that convey multiple meanings, the determination of their meaning is arrived at based on its gender, case, usage, superiority, etc."
states 'Shabdanirnaya', a book on etymology.
"In situations where there is equality, etc., in gender and the like, the decisive factor is in the excess of usage. In that context, it becomes well-understood by those that are well-versed."
- stated thus in Brahmatarka.
॥ ओं तत्सदिति श्रीमद्भगवद्गीतासु उपनिषत्सु ब्रह्मविद्यायां योगशास्त्रे श्रीकृष्णार्जुनसंवादे कर्मयोगो नाम तृतीयोध्यायः ॥
॥ ōṁ tatsaditi śrīmadbhagavadgītāsu upaniṣatsu brahmavidyāyāṁ yōgaśāstrē śrīkr̥ṣṇārjunasaṁvādē karmayōgō nāma tr̥tīyōdhyāyaḥ ॥
Ōm, this is indeed truth. In the glorious Bhagavad Gita in the form of a conversation between Krishna and Arjuna, the ancient text that contains spiritual knowledge, that educates regarding the Brahman, the ultimate reality, the science of Yoga, the 3rd chapter named "Yōga of Action", ends.


बहुचित्रजगद्बहुधाकरणात् परशक्तिरनन्तगुणः परमः ।
सुखरूपममुष्य पदं परमं स्मरतस्तु भविष्यति तत्सततम् ॥
"The one who has created this variegated vast universe with varied forms has infinite power and is of infinite auspicious qualities. He certainly bestows the highest state of bliss to those who meditate on his ever happy essence." -Dwādasha stōtra 4.3

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