B.G 2.70
आपूर्यमाणमचलप्रतिष्ठं समुद्रमापः प्रविशन्ति यद्वत्। तद्वत् कामा यं प्रविशन्ति सर्वे स शान्तिमाप्नोति न कामकामी ॥७०॥
āpūryamāṇamacalapratiṣṭhaṁ samudramāpaḥ praviśanti yadvat। tadvat kāmā yaṁ praviśanti sarvē sa śāntimāpnōti na kāmakāmī ॥70॥
[आपूर्यमाणम् अचलप्रतिष्ठं समुद्रम् आपः प्रविशन्ति यद्वत्। तद्वत् कामा यं प्रविशन्ति सर्वे स शान्तिम् आप्नोति न कामकामी॥
āpūryamāṇam = fills completely; acalapratiṣṭhaṁ = established unwaveringly; samudram = sea; āpaḥ = water; praviśanti = enters; yadvat = the way; tadvat = in the same way; kāmā = desire; yaṁ = to whom; praviśanti = enters; sarvē =all; sa = him; śāntim = serenity of mind; āpnōti = obtains; na = not; kāmakāmī = one who goes after desires;]
The sea is established unwaveringly even when water enters and fills from all sides, similarly he obtains serenity of mind in whom all desires enter, not he who goes after desires.
Gīta Bhāshya 2.70
They don't get excited about obtaining material pleasures, nor do they shrink because of their need, nor do they eagerly try to obtain them.
तेन विषयानुभवप्रकारमाह - आपूर्यमाणम् इति॥
tēna viṣayānubhavaprakāramāha - āpūryamāṇam iti॥
[tēna = their (Sthitaprajnas); viṣayānubhavaprakāramāha = the way to experience material topics, is explained in; āpūryamāṇam iti = 'āpūryamāṇam' verse;]
How a Sthitaprajna experiences material topics is explained in 'āpūryamāṇam' verse.
यो विषयैः आपूर्यमाणोपि अचलप्रतिष्ठो भवति - नोत्सेकं प्राप्नोति, न च प्रयत्नं करोति, न च अभावे शुष्यति। न हि समुद्रः सरित्प्रवेशाप्रवेशनिमित्तवृदि्धशोषौ बहुतरौ प्राप्नोति, प्रयत्नं वा करोति। स मुक्तिम् प्राप्नोति इत्यर्थः ॥७०॥
yō viṣayaiḥ āpūryamāṇōpi acalapratiṣṭhō bhavati - nōtsēkaṁ prāpnōti, na ca prayatnaṁ karōti, na ca abhāvē śuṣyati। na hi samudraḥ saritpravēśāpravēśanimittavr̥didhaśōṣau bahutarau prāpnōti, prayatnaṁ vā karōti। sa muktim prāpnōti ityarthaḥ ॥70॥
[yō =those; viṣayaiḥ = material topics; āpūryamāṇōpi = even when filled with; acalapratiṣṭhō = established unwaveringly; bhavati = becomes; nōtsēkaṁ = not excited; prāpnōti = on obtaining;, na ca = and not; prayatnaṁ karōti = endeavours; na ca = and not; abhāvē = for wanting; śuṣyati = shrinks; na hi = certainly not; samudraḥ = the sea; saritpravēśāpravēśanimittavr̥didhaśōṣau bahutarau prāpnōti = with the inflow of rivers neither overflows, nor shrinks when rivers dryup; prayatnaṁ vā karōti = does it endevour; sa muktim prāpnōti ityarthaḥ = he obtains liberation is the meaning;]
Even when material topics come in contact with them, they are established unwaveringly. On obtaining they are neither excited, nor shrink because of need, nor do they eagerly endeavour. Certainly the sea neither overflows with the inflow of rivers, nor shrinks when rivers dry up, nor does it endeavour. Such a person obtains liberation is the implied meaning.
Gīta Tātparya 2.70
It is not practical to abandon all desires. One must experience the material topics without crossing the boundaries of Dharma. 'shānti' - liberated state where sincerity towards lord Vishnu is firmed up.
"भुञ्जानोपि हि यः कामान् मर्यादां न तरेत् क्वचित्। समुद्रवत् धर्ममयीं नासौ कामी स मुच्यते। केति कुत्सितवाची स्यात् कुत्सितं मानमेव तु। कामो मोक्षविरोधी स्यान्न सर्वेच्छा विरोधिनी॥"
"bhuñjānōpi hi yaḥ kāmān maryādāṁ na tarēt kvacit। samudravat dharmamayīṁ nāsau kāmī sa mucyatē। kēti kutsitavācī syāt kutsitaṁ mānamēva tu। kāmō mōkṣavirōdhī syānna sarvēcchā virōdhinī॥"
[bhuñjānōpi = even after experiencing; hi = certainly; yaḥ kāmān = those desires; maryādāṁ = boundaries of decency; na = not; tarēt = crosses; kvacit = anytime;। samudravat = the way sea; dharmamayīṁ = as per its dharma, nature; nāsau = he is not; kāmī = lustful; sa mucyatē = thus he is told; kēti = 'Ka' indicates; kutsitavācī = 'kutsita'; syāt = which means; kutsitaṁ = showing interest; mānamēva tu = in special topics; kāmō = desire; mōkṣavirōdhī = is opposed to liberation; syānna sarvēcchā virōdhinī = but not all desires;]
"Even after experiencing the material topics, one who does not cross the boundaries of decency similar to the sea is said to be without lust. 'Ka' indicates interest in special topics. Desire in general is opposed to liberation, but not all desires."
इति च। न च सर्वेच्छाभावे जीवनं भवति।
iti ca। na ca sarvēcchābhāvē jīvanaṁ bhavati।
[iti ca = states testimonial; na = not; ca = and; sarvēcchābhāvē = relinquishing all desires; jīvanaṁ bhavati = it is possible to live;]
-states the testimonial. It is not possible to live relinquishing all desires.
"शान्तिर्मोक्षो यतो ह्यत्र विष्णुनिष्ठा भवेत् धृवा॥"
"śāntirmōkṣō yatō hyatra viṣṇuniṣṭhā bhavēt dhr̥vā॥"
[śāntirmōkṣō = 'shānti' means liberation; yatō = where; hyatra = there is; viṣṇuniṣṭhā = sincerity towards lord Vishnu; bhavēt = becomes; dhr̥vā = firmed up;]
"'shānti' means liberation, where sincerity towards lord Vishnu is firmed up."
इति च ॥७०॥
iti ca ॥70॥
[iti ca = is also stated by the testimonial;]
-is also stated by the testimonial.